Public opinion is twisted by celebrity pundits that boost their own position and ratings at the expense of those accused.
Crimefile News Productions is an experienced investigative TV news producer that can create a documentary film suitable for broadcast on television or the Internet. Working with the defense lawyers behind the scenes, we can essentially showcase evidence, interviews and show defense theories in a positive light.
A finished 40 minute project can make a huge difference as it stimulates witnesses and others to cooperate with the defense to establish innocence. Prosecution witnesses will be less willing to have their lies exposed in a public venue as the Internet. Perhaps they will have second thoughts about committing perjury in a courtroom. The rapsheets of the adverse witnesses can be shown as graphics for the world to see.
If the documentary is only broadcast on the Internet you can count on the local media to immediately begin buzzing about anything posted there.
Anything that directs the glare and spotlight away from the prosecutor’s media chest-beating and distorted information sent out in their press releases can sway public opinion. Why allow the prosecutors to maintain complete control over their poisonous pre-trial publicity?
In a documentary film the sordid backgrounds of prosecution witnesses can be fully exposed along with testimony or documents that show lack of candor.
America’s First Amendment has done wonders destroying the rights of the accused to a fair trial. Isn’t it about time that the defense side has an equal opportunity to expose a corrupt prosecution?
The cost for such a film is dependent on difficulties such as travel and gathering of material. In most cases the total cost can be kept well under $50,000.00.
An Internet posted documentary can be watched over and over unlike a television broadcast.
A campaign targeting Social Media can make a significant difference because the very people you need to reach with your message are doing Google searches for your key words and name.